Sunday, November 8, 2009

To my Husband!

I wanted to tell my husband, Andy, how proud of him i am. I just went to the Tempe Wind Ensemble concert that my high school band teacher directs. The band performed patriotic songs in leu of Veterans Day this week. They played a medley of the military songs. The Marines song, Navy, Army and Air Force song. All the veterans stood up during their part of the song. My dad stood up when the Air Force song came on and I was so proud. Not only for the men and women who have served but also for the men and women who are serving our country today. Andy, although this is so heartbreaking being apart from you for so long, I want you to know that I am so proud of you and proud to be your wife. You are so brave and amazing. I love you more than anything and can't wait to be in your arms! 3 more months!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey babe, thank you for the sweet words. I love you more than anything and I can't wait to see you too.